
Interactive Index to Events in the Book
Associated Press
Event Description Date Sort descending Category
Evacuation from Skala
Survivors are evacuated as German breakout overruns Skala April 1944 War
The Truman Directive
Admission to DP camps was made possible for Polish Jews like the Edelsteins December 1945 Displacement
Ben Gurion in the Camps
Michael was stirred to hear Ben-Gurion speak at Eschwege October 1946 Displacement
Flight From Poland to Germany
Smuggled by Brichah on the northern route through Szczecin April 1946 Refugee
State of Israel proclaimed
Against all odds, a Jewish state had been born in 1948 May 1948 Nationhood
Crossing on the General Langfitt
Twelve days on board with American movies and Coca Cola January 1951 Immigration

Tax Test

Event Categories

Family Event
* Birth Significant birth dates in Michael Edelstein's story
* Death Events related to the passing of dear family members
* Marriage Important family unions in Michael Edelstein's story
Historic Event
* War How Michael Edelstein experienced historical wartime events
* Displacement Michael Edelstein's perspective on the postwar refugee crisis
* Nationhood The state of Israel is born; the United States belatedly opens its doors
Narrative Event
* Persecution Occasions when Michael Edelstein was impacted by persecution
* Refugee Events related to Michael Edelstein's refugee experience
* Immigration Events related to Michael Edelstein's immigration experience