
Jews and Gentiles from the town of Skala and its environs
Image Name Description Life Phase
Fanya Gottesfeld Heller
Educator and philanthropist who published her Skala survival memoir Adulthood
Gedalia Lachman
Educator and survivor who wrote the history of Skala’s Jews Childhood
Israel Blutstein
Munye witnessed the horrible murder of Lonye's father by Rembocha Childhood
Max Mermelstein
Skala survivor and community leader who passed away in 2018 Childhood, Adulthood
Mayor Ivan Kowalyszen
Ukrainian mayor of Skala who "safeguarded" Jewish valuables Childhood
Menachem Brettschneider Chemye
Munye met up with his school chum in the aftermath Childhood
Olena Kovalshina
Ukrainian townswomen of Skala who provided sustenance for Munye, Shulem and Lonye Childhood, Adulthood
Police Captain Rembocha
Ukrainian police official who brutalized Jews Childhood
Simonia Woycik
Polish resident of the Mazury who who scorned Munye in 1942-43 Childhood, Adulthood
Sroel the Tailor
Munye's bunker buddy who joined his household in the aftermath Childhood