Munie’s eyes remain open throughout the worst of the Nazi horrors—when 700 Skala Jews are rounded up and sent to their deaths and most of the remainder are forced into to the Borshchov ghetto on the eve of its liquidation. Driven by a determination to survive, Munie relies on his wits to escape the killings.

Loyf Meyn Kind
Loyf Meyn Kind

The Roundup in Skala • A Day in Captivity • My Mother’s Gift • Making My Escape • Rude Welcome at the Mazury

Audio file
A mother’s gift
Ghetto Rat
Ghetto Rat

Reunited with Tateh • Hiding Out After the Roundup • The Borshchov Ghetto  • Nikolai Getman Rescues Us • A Murder on the Work Detail

Audio file
Encounter with Artur Engel